Microsoft goes after Google with attack on Gmail privacy

Microsoft goes after Google with attack on Gmail privacy

Campaign titled "Don't get scroogled by Gmail" encourages users of Google's free e-mail service to dump it for Microsoft's launched Don’t Get Scroogled by Gmail, a national campaign at [] to educate Americans about Google’s practice of going through the contents of all Gmail emails to sell and target ads. According to a public GfK Roper study, commissioned by Microsoft Corp., 70 percent of consumers don’t know that major email providers routinely engage in the practice of reading through their personal email to sell ads — something that 88 percent of people disapprove of once they are informed. Unlike Gmail, doesn’t go through the content of users’ emails to show ads. hopes this campaign will help educate consumers about Google’s email practices and promote’s policy of prioritizing the privacy of its users’ emails. 

To help consumers have their voice heard, today launched a petition to help them get the message to Google that going through personal email messages to sell ads is unacceptable. encourages consumers to sign the petition at and tell Google to stop going through their emails to sell ads. encourages consumers to prioritize their privacy by switching to Takes a Swing at Google's Gmail Advertising []